March 31, 2025
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Inspiring Your Life with Vegan Food, Facts and Fun


Welcome to Australian Vegans Journal

As the title suggests we are a vegan publication born and bred in Australia, covering vegan news and views from Australia.

Thank you for coming on this journey with us. Our goals are to share, collaborate, inspire and support:

1. Share. We will be sharing information about effective vegan advocacy campaigns that have come from individuals and organisations from across Australia and beyond. We are looking to interview and receive reports from Aussies everywhere doing good vegan work.

2. Collaborate. For a more powerful and sustained effect, we will be collaborating with vegan organisations, businesses and individuals to create a magazine that brings the nation’s vegan strength together all in one place.

3. Inspire. We aim to publish high quality content with beautiful design to inspire vegans across the country to become active in spreading the vegan message.

4. Support. A significant section of the magazine is reserved for self care. Being an animal activist and an everyday vegan has its challenges. We will bring you the experts in self care so you have the tools you need to keep your life balanced and have the strength and energy to keep on being your most effective for animals.

We welcome your contribution, feedback and suggestions. Australian Vegans Journal is an evolving publication that needs lots of people’s input to make it great.

Australian Vegans Journal is published on an ad-hoc basis when we have the design and content just right. In the current trend of constant content, we like to hang back, survey the scenery and produce something we regard as a quality keeper magazine. The focus is on producing high quality volumes that can be kept as reference books. With this in mind, we will release a volume when we have the right mix of well-referenced articles and other great content to support and inspire your vegan journey.

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